We offer a safe, secure and anonymous way for you to upload and share you nude pic and vids. Only other members have access to rate your nude pics, this way you get to see who likes it and can send them a message.
Other members just like you can rate your nude pics and vids with the following:
- Marry
- Sleep with
- Kiss
- Not my type
How It Works
Seeing what other members have rated your media is something you can only do with an account. When you create an account (which is free) we ask for 3 basic things, a username, password and email address, and that’s all you need to get started.
An account also gives you access to a lot more features, as Adult Img Share isn’t just for uploading and sharing nude pictures.
If you mark your content as hidden this means users wont be able to find it or rate it, hidden content allows you to share a direct link to people you choose. The content that isn’t marked as hidden can be seen by other members, and this is the content they can rate.
You will see detailed information about your content like, views, rates, likes, comments and much more. You will be able to see who has rated your content and with what, and act accordingly. If someone wants to marry you, or sleep with you then why not drop them a message.
Why not give it ago if you’re looking for somewhere to share your nude pics and vids. If you don’t like it you can always delete your account which will remove all your content.
We have tried to build a unique platform, one that you wouldn’t have seen anywhere else, and our focus is on safety, respect, and most importantly, your privacy.
So what are you waiting for, stop by and rate content you like, or upload and see what others rate your content